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[news archive] [11/14/00 to 12/12/00] [2/6/01 to 4/14/01] [4/23/01 to 11/21/01] [current news] 11/21 Sorry guys...my computer is being mean to me, so I haven't been able to update the page in a while. The new demo is DONE! 6 Songs Too Many! Here is the playlist: Something New *Redone from our first demo entitled, "Fully Loaded" This one is also an Enhanced CD, so that means you can pop it into your CD-ROM drive, and get all sorts of goodies! You need Quicktime Player, so if you don't have it, you can go here to download it for FREE. 10/25 We will be performing in South Haven on Saturday, October 27th in a Red Cross Benefit Show. As of right now, the show is supposed to be held outdoors, but this may be changed due to adverse weather conditions. 9/23 The show was last night...and it was
interesting to say the least. Everything that could have gone wrong with our guitars
did, and it definitely hampered our performance. 9/17 The recording is coming along...still workin' on it... Check us out with Mustard Plug at The Common Grounds!! --for directions, click here-- 8/15 What's up people...Just a quick update about recording. Well, it is taking us quite a bit longer than we expected and we probably aren't gonna be done with the E.P. until the end of August...We are aiming for Labor Day or around that time. It is really hard to schedule studio time around me moving back up to MSU, with Phil's golf season, and Rob and Jay's work schedule but we are trying our best. We DO promise six rockin' tunes for y'all though! Here is the lineup: Something New We are also planning on making this an ENHANCED CD! (That is if I ever figure out how to get it to work...) We'll let ya know. Ah I also have ONE MORE THING to say...(This is in response to some recent emails that we have received about what "kind" of band we are) I don't think it says anywhere on this website whether we are a "ska band" or "punk band" or "emo band" or "whatever band..." I just want you all to know that we don't consider ourselves any specific genre of music. We are just four guys that are trying to have some fun by making some good music. Our music DOES have ska, punk, reggae, emo, etc. influences, but we don't consider ourselves to be any of those genres of music. Just thought I'd make that clear...thanks for listening! You guys ROCK. Peace. 7/20 Hey...We had a show last night on the mall in downtown Kalamazoo, and it was a lot of fun! Thanks for everybody that showed up...you guys rock! Jason DID meet Less Than Jake at the Warped Tour! He chilled with the drummer, Vinnie and got an autographed ticket stub. On to other news... The scheduled show on August 17th is not a definite date yet due to finding a place to play, but we may be playing somewhere in Detroit on September 7th. We will keep all of you posted as we find out more details. Four out of six songs are definite for the recording session scheduled for early August.
Feel free to sign our guestbook to get all of the latest Nine Millimeter news, updates, showdates, and gossip. 7/9 Yo! Studio time has been scheduled for August 6, 8, 9, and 13!! Look for the new demo to be out by the middle of August...If any of y'all have any cool names in mind, feel free to email us and let us know!! Also...show dates have been added so check 'em out! Jason wants all of you to know that while attending warped tour in Chicago, he will meet Less Than Jake and say hello for you! Peace. 7/7 Hey whatsup everybody...My computer is fixed!!!! (so now i can update this stuff) We just finished playing an awesome show down in South Haven last night. Look for new stuff and updates within the next week! 4/25 Yeeeeaaah! New pictures are up!!! Look at the bottom of the "Pictures" page to see some funny pics of Rob and Jason... 4/23 The Overtime Festival III was last
night, and we had a blast! There were these three dudes in the front dancing and
doing this car driving thing...It was really funny, but totally cool too! They were
definitely rockin' out!!! Anyway, it was a great show...we had a great time and hope
that everybody who went felt the same! Muchas gracias to Proletariat Records
for putting on the whole thing. On to other news.... As of right now, our next show is in ... June!?! We'll be working hard to get a sooner date, so check back often! There are rumors that we will be playing with The Acolytes along with another band on May 19...we will keep you all posted! You are visitor number |